Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, also referred to as Periodontitis, can damage the gums, ligaments and bone structures that support your teeth. This disease is caused by the bacterial infection associated with plaque. Throughout the day, plaque builds up on your teeth and is removed only through brushing and flossing. Without proper oral care, plaque remains on your teeth and begins to harden into tartar which must be removed by a dentist through scaling.

When tartar is left on the teeth, it can cause an infection that will accumulate below the gum line. With time, this can result in the gums separating from their grip on your teeth, causing ‘pockets’ between your gum and your tooth to develop. These ‘pockets’ make room for further infection, and can develop into additional problems such as receding gums, pain in the gum tissue, constant breath issues, and even tooth loss all together.

Periodontal Disease Treatment

Periodontal Disease Treatment in Thornhill

Periodontal disease can be treated and like most ailments, the earlier it is detected the better. The early stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis. Gingivitis is extremely common and usually includes mild gum irritation, minor bleeding during regular brushing and flossing and occasional bad breath from the gum infection. Overall, gingivitis is caused by the bacteria from plaque underneath the gum line, but can be controlled and treated with proper brushing and routine dental visits for a thorough cleaning.

Leaving Gingivitis untreated can spread to the bone structure that supports your teeth. This is where periodontal disease sets in, and as the infection progresses, ‘pockets’ are formed between your tooth and gum which allows for tartar and other bacteria to accumulate and damage the underlying bone. Damage can often be worse enough that the tooth can deteriorate up to 30% and require extraction, if not fall out altogether.

Signs of Periodontal Disease

  • Gums that bleed during normal brushing and flossing
  • Gums that are tender, sensitive or even painful to the touch
  • Gums that are swollen
  • Gums that appear shiny or bright red
  • Gums that are receding
  • Teeth that are loose
  • Teeth that appear unusually long (due to receded gum)
  • Frequent or continuous bad breath
  • Overall discomfort in the mouth
  • At Abitibi Dental Centre, our North York Dentists and team are happy to assist you in your oral health and help treat signs of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Feel free to come into our Yonge and Steeles location at 8 Abitbi Ave, or call our Thornhill Dentistry today to book a free consultation! 416-223-0550

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